Native Antique American Basketry of Western North America: A Comprehensive Guide to Identification

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Native Antique American Basketry of Western North America: A Comprehensive Guide to Identification


by John Kania and Alan Blaugrund

$125. including shipping

(only 1 copy left!!)

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This is a comprehensive, detailed and very important book evaluating Western Native American Indian basketry from the 1880s, when the railroads first went West, through the 1930s, when the Great Depression halted tourist trade.

It has been a complex and challenging task for a collector to learn how to identify the origin, date, and method of weaving of Native American baskets. Authors Alan Blaugrund and John Kania provide methodology and detailed information that will now  help considerably. In addition, there are over 300 baskets featured in color plates from Blaugrund's personal collection, which surely is among the finest collections of baskets ever assembled. 

Includes 21 maps, 150 colored photographs, and  diagnostic guides

Endorsement by Craig Bates, author of Tradition and Innovation: A Basket History of the Indians of the Yosemite-Mono Lake Area. Bates writes, "It is an astonishing compilation of information that every basket collector, dealer, or museum curator can benefit from. I like the organization of information for the various regions and the great diagnostic tables at the end, an easy to find reference."

(We have signed copies of this book available in our inventory)