Marcy Burns American Indian Arts offers a wide selection of textiles including the following: Navajo Classic, Late Classic and Transitional blankets (including Germantown blankets), Navajo Regional rugs, Pueblo and Hopi textiles, Chilkat blankets, Rio Grande weavings, and an occasional Great Lakes textile. Some of these textiles were made to be worn; others were made for sale.
Navajo textiles are generally accepted as among the most beautiful and finest weaving in the world. Their designs, from the elelgance and simplicity of their early wearing blankets to the brilliance and ingeunuity of their "eyedazzlers", can reach the heights of fine art.
The Navajo are exceptionally creative and artistic people. They were not content to merely produce items for wearing and for trade but from the earliest times, reached for supreme aesthetics. They are also extremely adaptive and incorporated influences from the other cultures they encountered.
More detail on Chilkat and Rio Grande blankets will be given when you click the image and go to the enlarged image page.
We are happy to help educate the collector about the history and evolution of these various weavings and how to evaluate value. Our inventory shines in its quality and is ever-changing. Please contact us for more selection and/or information.
33.5” wide x 53” long
4 ply Germantown wools
excellent condition
ex: Second Phase Gallery, Taos, NM, 1996; Private Collection
This eyedazzler has a large stepped cross design.