San Ildefonso polychrome vase by Russell Sanchez, 1995
San Ildefonso polychrome vase by Russell Sanchez, 1995
10” high x 7 7/8” diameter
slipped with variety of colored clays, fired in traditional manner
bear and hand design
signed: Russell Sanchez 1995
ex: Private Collection
excellent condition
Russell Sanchez is a well-recognized artist from San Ildefonso. He learned to pot from his great aunt, Rose Gonzales. He has been awarded numerous awards including Best of Division in Santa Fe and Best of Division of Heard.
Sanchez uses native clay and, forms and fires his pots in the traditional manner. At the same time, he is known for being an innovator and he has spent his career experimenting with forms, designs, and materials.
This pot exemplifies all these features. The glow of the background slip sets off the naturalistic scenes of bears along with the juxtaposition of bears and hand images. To my eye, this is one of the most beautiful contemporary pots that I have seen.