Navajo pictorial rug


Navajo pictorial rug


Cornstalk yei design with corn seedlings forming the border and stylized women's dresses interspersed between the leaves of the cornstalk

36" wide x 55 1/2" long 

excellent condition

circa 1915-1920s



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The very fine weave and fabulous design of this pictorial Navajo textile indicate that it was woven by a talented and skilled weaver. Cornstalk yei designs implicitly refer to fertility, growth, and reproduction.

In the case of this textile, the weaver adds additional images that reinforce this reference to life. The border images are those of nascent corn plants. The stylized women's dresses are also implying female life-giving and nurturing abilities. The weaver has carefully placed these images in-between the leaves of the corn plant. (Notice how the silk of the corn progresses from 2 silks to 4.)